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SAT Prep

For Teachers

Create SAT courses, track student progress. Comes with practice and diagnostics tools, exercises and other learning tools.

SAT Prep

For Students

Multi-mode SAT Practice, integrated strategies and tutorials, comprehensive diagnostics, supplementary exercises, and more.

Preptoolz SAT Complete  Next Level SAT Prep
Point 1

A Learning Tool

The integrated strategies and tutorials help you not only build a strong foundation, but also help you see each problem through the eyes of a master test-taker.

Point 2

A Practice Tool

Designed with a practice-centric philosophy. Makes practice effortless with seven official practice tests. A great complement to the BlueBook practice tests.

Point 3

Powerful AI

The AI understands each SAT problem and can answer your questions, provide examples, insights, etc.

Point 4

A Diagnostic Tool

Complete scoring and test diagnostics. Receive a report with each practice test identifying strengths and weaknesses and suggesting a course of study.

Point 5

Course Materials

Beyond the core practice tests, comes equipped with supplementary topic based presentations and exercises. Also has a great set of SAT math flashcards.

Point 6

Course Management

Teachers can track and manage all facets of an individually tailored SAT course. Makes lessons super efficient and student-teacher interaction effortless.

Point 7

It's Awesome

Trust us on this one. It's awesome